ADNT Stake Pool
Best in-class Cardano staking infrastructure, with Enterprise-grade performance.
Power decentralization and earn $ADA rewards by delegating to ADNT!

100% baremetal
Our mainnet infrastructure runs on 100% owned baremetal. Operations are carried without dependence on third-party software/services.

Energy efficient
Servers powered by renewable energy in almost all locations. Currently 80% of our electricity comes from solar power!

Nodes distributed on multiple locations, using different ISP providers, to ensure 100% availability. We are always ready!
Earn up to 3,63%
₳ rewards!
Estimated return of ₳, annualized, stake-weighted, based on lifetime delegator results, after fees. Actual fees are: 1% with a minimum fixed of 340₳ per epoch.
High pledge
Committed to the Cardano ecosystem. Owners pledge 140k₳
All our fees go to the pledge and are not spent
Secure, fast, easy
Delegate from any Cardano wallet! Your $ADA never leaves your wallet, and your earnings are automatically paid and compounded by the protocol every five days!
Active community
Always friendly and supporting the Cardano community, we are in touch with the major projects and community leaders. Find us here, on X, or telegram!
Supporting Cardano mission
Cardano stands up for equality and inclusivity of economic and social systems around the world, regardless of status, gender, or place of birth.
Following the Cardano ethos, we contribute on leaving this world better than we found it, by founding the yearly education of 12 refugee kids since 2019, through the UN Refugee Agency program.
All donations are funded by the owners in fiat currency, and will never be paid using pool rewards.

Mithril Signer Support
Mithril is a protocol that enables quick and secure boostraping of Cardano nodes around the world, thanks to the implementation of Stake-based Threshold Multisignatures on top of the Cardano network.
By integrating its architecture into our systems, ADNT is able to issue pool onchain stake certificates to foster Cardano speed, security and scalability.
Preprod/Preview testnets
Additionally to our mainnet infrastructure, we run nodes on pre-production networks to ensure 100% reliability.
We also run and test networks (currently Preview) to participate in the evolution and future improvements of the Cardano protocol.
Learn more Preview Explorer